Funny Complaint Letter about Barking Dogs Printable PDF

Wednesday, May 24th 2017. | Sample Letters
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Funny Complaint Letter about Barking Dogs Printable PDF

To Whom It May Concern (or, more accurately, to whom it can’t concern because of the incessant barking),

I am writing to you today, not as a disgruntled neighbor, but as a concerned citizen (and a sleep-deprived one at that). I am referring, of course, to the symphony of barks emanating from your property, which, frankly, puts the London Philharmonic to shame in terms of sheer volume and unwavering dedication.

Now, I understand that dogs are wonderful creatures. They’re loyal, they’re cute, and they’re excellent at alerting you to the presence of squirrels (or, perhaps, the postal carrier). But, my dear neighbors, your canine companions seem to have mistaken their role as “watchdogs” for “24/7 barkathons.”

I have tried everything to drown out their vocal acrobatics. Earplugs? Check. White noise machine? Check. Earmuffs designed for fighter pilots? Check. But nothing can quite extinguish the sonic barrage that my ears are subjected to on a daily basis.

To be fair, I am not entirely sure if the dogs are actually barking at anything, or if they are merely expressing their boundless existential angst. Perhaps they are simply bored, or maybe they are desperately trying to warn us of an impending alien invasion. Whatever the cause, I fear my sanity is slowly eroding with each passing bark.

So, I implore you: please, for the sake of my sanity and the peace of the entire neighborhood, do something about this cacophony. Maybe invest in a high-powered sound-dampening device? Or, perhaps, enroll your pups in “Barking 101” for beginners? I am open to suggestions, and I am sure my neighbors would be as well.

Sincerely (but with a hint of desperation),

[Your Name]
[Your Address]

P.S. If you happen to have a spare pair of noise-cancelling headphones you’d like to donate, I’d be eternally grateful.

Funny Complaint Letter about Barking Dogs Printable PDF :

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