Robert Rules Of Order Agenda Template

Tuesday, September 19th 2017. | Sample Agenda
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Robert Rules Of Order Agenda Template

[Organization Name]
[Meeting Name/Purpose]
[Date] | [Time] | [Location/Virtual Meeting Platform]

I. Call to Order (Time: [Estimated Time])
The presiding officer ([Presiding Officer Title] – [Presiding Officer Name]) calls the meeting to order.

II. Roll Call (Time: [Estimated Time])
The secretary records attendance.

III. Approval of Minutes (Time: [Estimated Time])
The minutes from the previous meeting ([Date]) are reviewed.
Motion: To approve the minutes.
Second: (Required)
Discussion: (Optional, only if there are corrections)
Vote: (Voice vote, show of hands, or other agreed-upon method)

IV. Reports (Time: [Estimated Time])
A. [Report Name]: Presented by [Presenter Name/Title]
B. [Report Name]: Presented by [Presenter Name/Title]

V. Unfinished Business (Time: [Estimated Time])
[List items carried over from the previous meeting]
[Item A]: [Brief description of item and previous discussion]
Motion: (If needed for action)
[Item B]: [Repeat as needed for each item]

VI. New Business (Time: [Estimated Time])
[Item 1]: [Clearly state the topic]
[Background information/Context (if needed)]
Motion: (If a decision or action is required)
[Item 2]: [Repeat as needed for each new business item]

VII. Announcements (Time: [Estimated Time])
[Share relevant upcoming events, deadlines, or information]

VIII. Adjournment (Time: [Estimated Time])
Motion: To adjourn the meeting.
Vote: (No discussion on an adjournment motion)

This template is a guide and should be customized to your organization’s specific needs and bylaws.
Robert’s Rules of Order provides structure for making motions, debating them fairly, and voting.
Be sure to have a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order available during the meeting to reference as needed.
Consider designating a parliamentarian (someone familiar with the rules) to advise the presiding officer.

Robert Rules Of Order Agenda Template :

Robert Rules Of Order Agenda Template was posted in September 19, 2017 at 2:17 am. If you wanna have it as yours, please click the Pictures and you will go to click right mouse then Save Image As and Click Save and download the Robert Rules Of Order Agenda Template Picture.. Don’t forget to share this picture with others via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social medias! we do hope you'll get inspired by SampleTemplates123... Thanks again! If you have any DMCA issues on this post, please contact us!